The local church is God's chosen avenue for lasting change in Mexico City.

Mexico City faces a spiritual challenge: shockingly, less than 4% of its 26 million residents know Jesus personally.

This staggering statistic underscores the urgent need to introduce them to the Gospel's transformative power.

The Local Church: God’s Design

The local church is God's chosen avenue for lasting change in Mexico City. We will strengthen and empower local churches in the following ways:

  1. Church Planting: Establishing Gospel-centered communities and mentoring emerging leaders.

  2. Discipleship: Equipping and training church leaders and members to nurture the next generation of Mexican believers, fostering spiritual growth and maturity.

  3. Community Engagement: Partnering with local churches, we address the diverse needs of Mexico City's residents, offering compassion and sharing Christ's love.

Mexico City stands as a vibrant and influential metropolis and is a crucial epicenter for reaching millions of people.

It is a unique mission field with immense potential for spiritual impact. It serves as a global crossroads, attracting people from all corners of the world, making it an ideal platform for sharing the message of Christ.

Missions in Mexico City is not just an endeavor; it's a calling to make a lasting impact on a city of immense global significance. God wants to ignite a spiritual revival that will ripple across Mexico City and beyond. Partner with us as instruments of God's grace to this city.

“You don’t measure yourself by your success. You measure yourself against the unfinished task.”

— Loren Triplett

God’s story in Mexico City is not over. We have some unfinished business to tend to.

Partner with us as we expand the kingdom of God.

The De los Reyes

Danny and Kayla have been married for thirteen years. They have served in various full-time ministry roles for over a decade in the Dallas area. They are the parents of three beautiful daughters, Malia (11), Olivia (8), and Naomi (5).

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