Latest Updates
The Lord’s Timing is Perfect
In August, we had the opportunity to travel down the West Coast and visit several churches in Washington and California who are partnering with us to reach Mexico City.
We're Commissioned as Missionary Associates!
We are thrilled to announce that our missions sending agency, Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM), officially commissioned us as Missionary Associates in June! We spent two and a half weeks in Springfield, Missouri, along with 100+ missionaries, receiving training that challenged, equipped, and inspired us to continue pursuing God's call to reach Mexico with the gospel.
God is Good, and So Are His People
We use this phrase quite often in our home; it sums up our experience with God and the church. God is inherently good. He's a loving father full of love, compassion, and mercy. We have experienced His love and presence firsthand.
Though the church is made of imperfect people, it is the conduit God chose to make His name known. Kayla and I are both children of the church.
A Mother’s Plea
Discover the heart-wrenching journey of a mother seeking help for her son in Mexico City, trapped in a dark world of addiction and despair. Read how our ministry, inspired by the parable of the prodigal son, aims to be the elder brother that Jesus exemplified – bringing restoration and pointing lost souls to a loving father.
We Just Got Approved!
This last year has been quite a ride. To catch up, Kayla, our three young daughters, and I are selling our house, giving away our belongings, and moving to temporary housing while we itinerate. It may sound impractical to most people, but when you follow where God leads, He leads to incredible opportunities. And that is what we did: follow God.
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